Toenail Fungus Laser
Noveon Podiatric Laser is a new treatment option for foot fungus that is effective and safe. Onychomycosis treatment using a Noveon Nail Laser provides higher efficacy, Lower recurrence rate and provides more consistent results for patients.
Results from Noveon Nail Laser treatment
Here's how our nail laser works:
- Light from the laser is directed at the nail surface and surrounding tissues.
- Two specially chosen light wavelengths penetrate through the nail to the fungus cells underneath.
- The light disrupts the metabolism of the fungus cells which causes them to die.
- Healthy skin and tissue cells are not affected by the laser light, so there is no collateral damage.
- Since the laser uses a photobiological process, there is no heat, pain, or side effects.
- Most patients will require 3 laser treatments. Patients with severe disease may require 4.
- Each laser treatment will take about 30 minutes. There is no recovery period.
- Light from the laser is directed at the nail surface and surrounding tissues.
- Two specially chosen light wavelengths penetrate through the nail to the fungus cells underneath.
- The light disrupts the metabolism of the fungus cells which causes them to die.
- Healthy skin and tissue cells are not affected by the laser light, so there is no collateral damage.
- Since the laser uses a photobiological process, there is no heat, pain, or side effects.
- Most patients will require 3 laser treatments. Patients with severe disease may require 4.
- Each laser treatment will take about 30 minutes. There is no recovery period.
Laser Nail Treatment
- A revolutionary treatment option that can actually get rid of toenail fungus
- Complete program involves 3 treatment sessions for most patients
- Treatment session typically lasts 30 minutes
- No recovery period
- No pain
- No side effects
Fungal toenail infections are an extremely common foot health problem. There are over 25 million people in the United States who suffer from it. Yet many people don't realize they have infected nails – and even if they do, they often don't seek treatment.
Fungal nail infections, or onychomycosis, can persist for years. Even relatively mild cases can leave nails looking discolored and unhealthy. Severe cases can leave nails looking badly discolored, thickened, and gnarled. They can also smell badly.
Nail fungus is quite contagious can easily spread to other toenails, the skin, and even the fingernails – not to mention the toes of friends and loved ones.
Until now, nail fungus has been extremely difficult to treat because the diseased cells live under the nail surface. The nail itself acts as a barrier that prevents lotions, creams, and other treatment options from ever reaching the diseased cells.
Lasers work because they have a unique property: the laser light can easily penetrate the nail surface where it can attack the fungus cells.
The laser is able to kill the fungus because it uses certain light wavelengths that are known to disrupt the metabolism of the fungal cells. Once their metabolism has been thrown off, the fungal cells die. Meanwhile, healthy skin and tissues cells are left unharmed.